Materials of DIALOGUE 2017




Technologies of Linguistic Analysis

Moderated by L. Iomdin

Boguslavsky I.

Semantic Descriptions for a Text Understanding System

Panicheva P., Badryzlova Yu.

Distributional Semantic Features in Russian Verbal Metaphor Identification



Technologies of Linguistic Analysis

Moderated by L. Iomdin

Lopukhin K., Iomdin B., Lopukhina А.

Word Sense Induction for Russian: Deep Study and Comparison with Dictionaries

Toldova S., Ionov M.

Coreference Resolution for Russian: the Impact of Semantic Features

Galitsky B.

Learning Noisy Discourse Trees



15:30-19:00 / Section 1

Automatic Construction of Language Models and Obtaining of Linguistic Data

Moderated by S. Sharoff

Romanov A.V.

Exploiting Russian Word Embeddings for Automated Grammeme Prediction

Shelmanov A.O., Devyatkin D.A.

Semantic Role Labeling with Neural Networks for Texts in Russian

Enikeeva E.V., Mitrofanova O.A.

Russian Collocation Extraction Based on Word Embeddings

15:30-19:00 / Section 2

Lexical Semantics

Moderated by I. Kobozeva

Paducheva E.V.

Egocentricity in the Semantics of the Russian Word 'Nikak'

Rakhilina E.V.

Govoru ya, Karl…

Apresjan V.Ju.

Positive and Negative Polarity: Semantic Underpinnings



Automatic Construction of Language Models and Obtaining of Linguistic Data

Moderated by S. Sharoff

Ustalov D.A.

Expanding Hierarchical Contexts for Constructing a Semantic Word Network

Piperski A.Ch.

Semantic Halo of a Meter: a Keyword-based Approach

Kutuzov A.B.

Arbitrariness of Linguistic Sign Questioned: Correlation between Word Form and Meaning in Russian

Lexical Semantics

Moderated by I. Kobozeva

Boguslavskaya O.Ju., Iomdin B.L.

Development of Polysemy in Russian Numerals and Ordinals

Grashchenkov P.V., Kobozeva I.M.

Semantic Classes and Government of Adjectives

Toldova S.Yu., Mukhanova R. V.

Multiple Prenominal Adjectives Ordering in Russian: a Corpus Study




Round table: Opening of "Dialogue" and Welcome Party