Materials of DIALOGUE 2015
Central topics of “Dialogue 2015”
Linked Data
which has become a popular area of research, especially in the Semantic Web context. The organizers would particularly welcome papers that explore the issues of coupling various lexico-semantic resources with ontologies, especially dealing with Russian language material.
Analyzing Social Media
Social media analysis has already been a central topic of one of the previous Dialogues. However, there has been a lot of new and important developments in this area of research and many prospective participants have asked the organizers to make social media a central topic.
Proceedings 2015
“Computational Linguistics and Intellectual Technologies”
The Conference Proceedings contain papers from the international conference on Computational Linguistics and Intellectual Technologies “Dialogue”, representing a large range of theoretical and applied research in the area of natural language description, language process description, creation of applied computer-linguistic technologies.
Dialogue Evaluation 2015
A special direction of the "Dialogue", which is called Dialogue Evaluation, involves annual comparative testing of computer analysis systems, that solve certain practical problems. Testing results are discussed at the conference.
Invited speakers
Alan Cienki
Gesture, Lexis, and Grammar
Preslav Nakov
Sentiment Analysis of Social MediaTexts: a SemEval Perspective
Roberto Navigli
Multilinguality at Your Fingertips: Babelnet, Babelfy and Beyond