Materials of DIALOGUE 2014




Afternoon session. Analysis of the processes in the modern Russian language

Moderated by I. Kobozeva

Piperski А.Ch., Somin А.А.

Pragmatics of Strikethrough: Norms of Communication and Optimality Theory

Magomedova V.D., Slioussar N.A.

Internet Data in the Study of Language Change: a Case Study of Alternations in Russian Comparatives and a Program to Work with Such Data

Belikov V., Kopylov N., Selegey V., Sharoff S.

Variational Corpus Statistics Using Author Profiles


Afternoon session. Different subject areas on Dialogue

Moderated by E. Grishina

Baranov A. N.

Activity of Participants in a Conversation: Methods of Linguistic Analysis

Podlesskaya V. I.

«They Shot Him Dead, oh, no, They Knifed Him Dead with a Saber»: Self-Repairs in Oral Stories

Zangenfeind R., Sonnenhauser B.

Russian Verbal Aspect and Machine Translation


Round table. Opening